This article was initially published in my Tools of the Trade series for Electronic Retailer Magazine in October 2007.
Would ye both eat your cake and have your cake?
- John Heywood, John Heywood's Proverbs, 1546
Are you sure that a floor cannot also be a ceiling? Can you be definite that it is impossible to eat your cake and have it?
- M. C. Escher, On Being a Graphic Artist, 1981
To eat your cake and have it . . . that’s the trick. In my August column, I talked about how some agencies are bringing the tools of Direct Response to traditional brand clients. In this column, we’ll zoom in on a fundamental tactic -- bolstering your DR tool-chest with television ratings.
“We started using ratings years ago when we would do the holiday campaigns for Conair,” starts Dan Diamond, VP Media Supervisor at Advanced Results Marketing more ...