Aug 14, 2009

Getting Your Wireless Network Up to Speed -

Helpful article for anyone that has noticed degradation on their home wireless network.

The wireless home network that freed you from sitting in a single location to browse Web sites, download videos and make free phone calls may be getting balky. The videos pause, instant messaging apps mysteriously disconnect in midchat, and you can’t get a connection in the far corner bedroom any more. (More.)

Aug 12, 2009

Canoe Potentially Taking Shape As TV Ad-Serving Network

Posted by Michael Kokernak on Aug 12, 12:07 PM

The world has moved forward since the creation of the ratings systems. Today all television advertisers have sophisticated enterprise-reporting (ERP) applications that optimize their product pipelines and distribution networks. Yet as an industry we so far have failed to synch our TV ratings data with the enterprise data of the advertiser. Direct response advertisers have been linking sales data to commercials for decades, but the large brand advertisers still need a more robust application. Canoe is taking shape to be our industry's first effort to help solve this data issue. However, at the beginning of its rollout, we should be prepared for a very bumpy ride. (More.)

MediaPost Publications Set Top Box Research: A Call for More Open Dialogue 08/07/2009

by Ed DeNicola, Friday, August 7, 2009, 12:02 PM

From a research perspective, digital set top box (STB) data is the most exciting thing to happen to the television research business since people meters rolled out in the late eighties. It has the potential to have a giant impact on the industry" second by second data, new ad retention metrics, precise commercial and brand ratings, enormous sample sizes as well as the ability to directly link tuning data with other information at a household or device level.
However, like any great new invention, there are some very large challenges that will need to be overcome to make STB data useable as an analysis tool and potential currency for ad sales transactions. (More.)